When the word sisterhood gets thrown around one immediately thinks of crazy chicks dancing around a fire, throwing sparkly stuff from rusted buckets while humming songs no one has ever heard of. Magic. Rituals. Enchanted stuff. Well, let me tell you something, it is pretty much like that. Belonging to a sisterhood is just that: MAGIC.
We were six girls growing up together. (I am the youngest of the bunch.) Our parents went to varsity together and we have known each other for as long as we can remember. Sure, it was not always moonshine and roses. We fought – a lot! We screamed and yelled at each other and we – true story – had an incident where one of us hit the other with a hammer. But we loved each other dearly and most of my fondest memories involve at least one of the other five.
The power of support should never be underestimated. I truly believe I would not have known what a support system was if I did not belong to this sisterhood. We’ve seen each other through loss, kidney transplants, miscarriages, adoptions, heartbreaks, divorces and a whole lot of events that shaped us to become the women we are today. We share inside jokes and secrets. What I treasure most is that, even though we have all gone our separate ways, I know when the shit hits the fan I am a phone call away from support. We might not talk to each other every single day (ugh, it has been months!) and we might not always be part of every single life event, but we share something special no one can take away from us.
A support system, to me, means knowing that no matter what I am about to attempt (and this includes even the stupidest of things), there is always someone who’s got my back. It goes both ways. I might laugh myself wet first and say “I told you so”, but my arms are always open for hugs and my shoulder ready to be cried on.
My wish to you:
May you belong to a sisterhood where you are loved unconditionally, supported endlessly and appreciated wholeheartedly.
Many hugs,